Heating boilers. Part 4: Heating boilers with forced draught burners. Special requirements for boilers with forced draught oil burners with outputs up to 70 kW and a maximum operating pressure of 3 bar. Terminology, special requirements, testing and marking
NORM herausgegeben am 1.3.2002
Designation standards: STN EN 303-4
Classification mark: 070251
Catalog number: 84774
Publication date standards: 1.3.2002
The number of pages: 36
Approximate weight : 108 g (0.24 lbs)
Country: Slovak technical standard
Kategorie: Technische Normen STN
Táto norma platí pre vykurovacie kotly vybavené horákmi s ventilátorom na olejové palivá do menovitého tepelného výkonu najviac 70 kW.